March-May 2023

Sean Conneen • March 1, 2023

**Cycle Overview (LIFT-OFF):

This 9-week cycle will focus more on the heavier Olympic lifting (Snatch/Clean). We will lift 3 days a week while mixing in some Jerks, Front Squats, and Deadlifts. We will focus on replicating good quality lifts, rep after rep. The Jerk is separated from the Clean to fixate on one movement at a time. Every day we perform a Snatch or Clean, we will go through the Burgener Warm-Up.

**9-Week Cycle Layout:

Week 1 (Mar 27th)
Mon: Heavy Single Snatch
Weds: Heavy Single Squat Clean
Thurs: Split Jerk Practice (working on the catch and recovery)

Week 2 (April 3rd)
Tues: 3x3 Squat Snatch (65-75% of Heavy Single), 3x3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (90%)
Thurs: 3x3 Power Clean(65-75% of Heavy Single), 3x3 Front Squat (80% of Clean)
Fri: Snatch Push Press + Snatch Drop Practice

Week 3 (April 10th)
Mon: 3x3 Power Snatch (70% of Heavy Single), 3x3 OVHS (70-80%)
Weds: 3x3 Clean (65-75% of Heavy Single), 3x3 CleanGrip Deadlifts (90%)
Thurs: Moderate Heavy Split Jerk + 3-second pause in the split

Week 4 (April 17th)
Tues: 3x2 Squat Snatch (80% of Heavy Single), 3x3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (95%)
Thurs: 3x2 Power Clean(80% of Heavy Single), 3x2 Front Squat (85%)
Fri: 2 Snatch Push Press + 1 Snatch Drop x 5 working sets

Week 5 (April 24th)
Mon: 3x2 Power Snatch (75% of Heavy Single), 3x3 OVHS (75-85%)
Weds: 3x2 Clean (80% of Heavy Single), 3x3 CleanGrip Deadlifts (95%)
Thurs: 2 Push Press x 1 Split Jerk x 5 Working Sets

Week 6 (May 1st)
Tues: 3x1 Squat Snatch (85-90% of Heavy Single), 3x3 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (100%)
Thurs: 3x1 Power Clean(85-90% of Heavy Single), 3x1 Front Squat (90%)
Fri: 1 Snatch Push Press + 1 Snatch Drop x 5 working sets

Week 7 (May 8th)
Mon: 3x1 Power Snatch (85-90% of Heavy Single), 3x3 OVHS (90%)
Weds: 3x1 Clean (85-90% of Heavy Single), 3x3 CleanGrip Deadlifts (100%)
Thurs: 1 Push Press x 1 Split Jerk x 5 Working Sets

Week 8 (May 15th) (De-load)
Tues: Every min (10 mins) 1 Squat Snatch (Don’t go over 75%)
Thurs: Every min (10 mins) 1 Squat Clean (Don’t go over 75%)
Fri: Every min (5 mins) 2 Split Jerks (light/moderate) into - Every min (5 mins) 2 Snatch Drops(light/moderate)

Week 9 (May 22nd)
Mon: Heavy Single Snatch
Weds: Heavy Single Squat Clean
Thurs: Heavy Single Snatch Drop (5 mins) into Heavy Single Split Jerk (5 mins)

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