Faith RX'D South Charlotte/Indian Land Chapter

Shay Knolle • November 7, 2023

the meaning behind the name faith rxd

The Faith RXD logo.

The term “RXD” is pulled from medicine and applied to functional fitness to also mean following a set protocol “as prescribed.” A coach programs a workout with desired movements, ranges of motion, weights, sets and reps. The athlete either accomplishes the work as prescribed (RXD) or must scale/modify to accommodate lesser ability or readiness to do the work. Applied to faith, Jesus provided the ultimate example of carrying out the Father’s will, “RXD.” He fully accomplished his prescribed mission by dying on the cross in exchange for our sins despite extreme pain, suffering and sacrifice (John 15:13).

FAITH RXD encourages commitment to following His example: “Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children, and walk in love, as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.” (Ephesians 5:1-2). We seek to live out our faith in a similarly obedient way, as prescribed by God through His Word, the Bible.

Competitors admit they can’t please God with their performance, accept Christ’s performance on the Cross as their own as His free gift, and chase after Him as Lord of their life in gratitude and obedience.

Join us at S3 CrossFit at 10a usually on the last Saturday of the month.  November is an exception and we have moved to Saturday November 18th.  It’s FREE and open to anyone!

Join us today at s3 Crossfit

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