S3 is excited to be the host of the 4th Annual Burpee - a - Thon in support of ALS!
Here's how it works :
We have partnered up with Gunn’s Fitness and are the new site location for their annual Burpee – a – Thon! All proceeds benefit the Racing for ALS foundation ( https://www.racingforals.com/ )
Fundraising has already started towards the $25,000 goal. We will kick off at 6:30pm on June 9th with a live stream and will do burpees until that goal is reached! Last year, it took about 1hr and 15min! You can do this solo OR in teams of 3 and tag each other in and out. Registration for teams of 3 is $200.
Register your team using the link below. You need a team name. Once you create your team, you will have a link to your own fundraising page if you wish to fundraise (you can also fundraise for the $200 registration!) Once your team page is created, you can send your link so others can join. The top 3 fundraising teams will win a prize.
If you wish to burpee solo, you can use the link and simply join Team S3 that has already been created and make a donation.
Thursday June 9th 6:30pm
Family Friendly
Food Truck
Share with friends! You do not need to be an S3 Member to participate.
Spectators Welcome!
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